December: Ritual

Ritual :

an opportunity to pause and connect with ourselves and the world around us.

The month of December, perhaps more than any other time of the year, is imbued with ritual. Even if you avoid all things secular, it’s difficult to escape the multitude of ways that we humans celebrate this season: holiday lights adorn rooftops, the supermarket stocks special treats and we mark the changing of the calendar year.

 What better time than now to take a look at our own relationship to ritual and the ways it can deepen our lives?

What we think and pay attention to over time can change the structure of our brains. Writer Annie Dillard said “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.”  Dr. Shauna Shapiro, clinical psychologist, expert in mindfulness and self compassion  and author of Good Morning, I Love You (and inspiration for November’s meditation exercise) reminds us “What we practice grows stronger.”

 We hope these practices on ritual will help you to nurture whatever it is that you want to grow stronger.

We claim that Bewonderment is a portal to “sacred systems for deep expansion.” This is your opportunity to build your system. We’ll share some examples, some suggestions and some prompts to help you get there.

Our Open Studio session on December 21 at 7PM CST will provide both a sample and a chance to brainstorm. It is a beautiful synchronicity that our time to come together as a community occurs on the eve of the longest night of the year, a sacred day in cultures across the globe. Also, my most favorite day of the year. I am super excited to usher in the season of winter and introspection with you all.

Until then, many blessings.



Your Practices

  • Contemplate

    Consider this month’s theme in our short newsletter.

  • Meditate

    Connect to stillness with a simple mindfulness meditation.

    Click here for Written Meditation

  • Journal

    Explore your journey with these journaling prompts.

  • Create

    Dive into your playful side with these creativity exercises.


Open studio session

December 21, 7-8 pm cst

Join the crew for a special Winter Solstice jam session.

Ritual is one of the ways in which humans put their lives in perspective, whether it be Purim, Advent or drawing down the moon. Ritual calls together the shades and specters in people’s lives, sorts them out, puts them to rest.
— Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Any ritual is an opportunity for transformation. To do a ritual, you must be willing to be transformed in some way. the inner willingness is what makes the ritual come alive and have power. If you aren’t willing to be changed by ritual, don’t do it.
— Starhawk
How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.
— Annie Dillard


As always, we are here if you need any help or guidance. Just send us a note below.