Ready to unlock your creative life?
Living the Creative Life
A self-study online program to help you develop a sustainable, life-nourishing creative practice
A self-study online program to help you develop a sustainable, life-nourishing creative practice 〰️
Creativity is a gift each of us possesses—REALLY! Engaging in creative acts has been proven to be beneficial to our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical health. And yet, so many of us forget about this abundant, expansive resource right at our fingertips.
Creatology helps you reawaken and reengage you own creative practice through thoughtful, accessible, well-researched teachings, simple creative exercises and tools to help usher in deeper reflection.
Self-study online program to help you develop a sustainable, life-nourishing creative practice.
Creatology: Living the Creative Life
Creatology helps you reawaken and reengage you own creative practice through thoughtful, accessible, well-researched teachings, simple creative exercises and tools to help usher in deeper reflection.
I’m so glad you are here!
Creativity is innate
There’s no such thing as creative or not creative. We’re all built with the creativity wiring, we simply have to learn to activate it.
There’s no such thing as creative or not creative. We’re all built with the creativity wiring, we simply have to learn to activate it.
What’s the benefit of creating?
Welcome to a whole new world!
What is an awakening?
Who has these awakenings (hint: everyone).
How do we hold space?
What is an awakening?
Who has these awakenings (hint: everyone).
How do we hold space?
Collective Awakening
The world shifted in numerous ways in 2020. How are we collectively embracing awakening?
The world shifted in numerous ways in 2020. How are we collectively embracing awakening?
Aha! The time has come! Let us explore this made up word that connects awe, wonder and creativity together.
Aha! The time has come! Let us explore this made up word that connects awe, wonder and creativity together.
Judgment is the enemy of creativity. Curiosity is the antidote.
How do you bring more wonder in?
Creatology 101
What is a creative life? What does creativity mean? And how is it good for us?
1. AWakening
We begin every journey in the same place: by opening our eyes. This chapter creates the container, explores the obstacles and pitfalls of taking on a new practice and how to make space for growth.
2. Cleansing
In order to move forward in our creative practice, we have to dispel some myths about creativity, who it’s for and how it works.
3. Grounding
We learn how to stay centered and grounded, how this both impacts our ability to be creative and, conversely, how creating can help us find grounding and centering.
4. Ritual
Rather than creating a habit, we will explore the idea of a creative ritual. By bringing the sacred practice of ritual into our creative lives, we allow ourselves to open to whatever is beyond us—God, the Divine, the Universe, or simply the greater good. This is creative mysticism at work.
5. Wonder
We begin to shift our thinking from a declarative to query. By beginning our thought process with “what if” instead of “this is” we begin to open to the possibilities rather than shutting them down. By shifting from judgment to curiosity, we invite more childlike wonder into our process.
6. Stillness
There is perhaps no greater fuel for creativity and healing than stillness, and yet quietude remains challenging for many people to embrace. This chapter will explore the science behind what happens in our brains and bodies when we rest, and what occurs when we push ourselves too hard.
Creatology 102
coming 2024
7. Liberation
Who do we need to forgive? What parts of ourselves? Others? Part of embracing our creative selves is letting the walls descend and being vulnerable. This chapter invites risk-taking, looks fear in the face and helps walk the delicate line between open-heartedness and allowing ourselves to be mortally wounded.
8. Courage
Creativity is intimately connected to failure, something that we’ve been conditioned to avoid. While the act of failing is vulnerable, we begin to shift the narrative from risk/failure to exploration/learning. If it is through experimentation and risk that we learn, then we must begin to see our failures as opportunities rather than setbacks.
9. Fortitude
In every hero/heroine’s journey there is a dark night of the soul, a moment where the road ahead feels too treacherous and daunting to continue. It is in these moments where our practices are tested, and when we dig into our reserves to carry us forward.
10. Witnessing
Creativity in solitude is a marvelously healing practice, but there is magic in being witnessed by our fellow travelers as well. When we have grounded ourselves, cultivated our creative practice, and settled fear into the backseat we can begin to build a creative community. The act of witnessing each other’s creativity and growth can be magical.
11. Alchemy
Creation transmutes energy. By making something we are transforming some small piece of our world. The more we do so in small ways, the more transformative the process becomes. We dig into the spaces that need transformation—our grief, sorrow, shame and anger and allow creating to alchemize these feelings into something new.
12. Onward, Forward
This work is deeply personal, and yet by building our own creative habits, we slowly transform the world around us. By healing our wounds and building our resiliency, our work ripples into the community. In this section we being to explore the ways to intentionally share our experience with the world.
Meet SRB
Meet SRB ✳
Sarah Ratermann Beahan
Your guide, Sarah Ratermann Beahan, founder of Bewonderment, has been developing and sharing these tools in cancer treatment centers, classrooms, libraries and retreats for over fifteen years.
Course FAQ
A creative life is simply living in a way that infuses creativity into all parts of your existence. It reminds us that we are always able to inject playfulness and innovation into our world. We’ll spend A LOT of time with this, don’t worry!
There are many studies that show that creativity, self-expression and mindfulness are beneficial not just to our mental health, but our physical health too. We think that’s a great benefit! Reconnecting with our inner creative inspires growth and healing, but it also just a heck of a lot of fun!
The course is designed so that you can learn at your own pace, on your own schedule in the way you know best.
Creatology 101 contains 6 chapters., each with 2-3 lessons. Each chapter builds upon the last, weaving the science of creativity with spirituality, self-exploration and practices. All chapters include mindfulness exercises, journaling prompts, creative activities, video and audio recordings, written information and lists of additional complementary resources. Upon purchase, students will receive lifetime access to these 6 chapters.