
May 2023

the sacred Spiral

It’s been a long winter and a slow spring here in east central Minnesota. This weekend we are seeing our first real run of seventy-degree weather, and it feels like all living beings are elbowing forward for the warmth.

The first week of May brought us a partial lunar eclipse in Scorpio, the last in a series of eclipses that have stretched over the last eighteen months and Pluto station. Scorpio, the sign that embodies death and rebirth, power and control, what lies beneath the surface and Pluto, the planet whose archetypes are quite similar: transmutation, regeneration, that which is lies in the unconscious or subconscious realms. Y’all that’s a recipe for quite a explosive week!

There is a sense of rising or uprising in the collective, a surge of power and growth, both through release of what isn’t serving and regenerating that which we’ve previously composted. The energy is palpable.

This is one reason why I chose to push back the release of these practice until today, May 7th. My astrologer friends strongly discourage practicing ritual and ceremony during eclipse seasons because the energy is strong and somewhat unpredictable. One of the light bodies in our solar system (in this case, the moon, which is associated with the body and emotions) has “gone dark” and that sends our energetic systems into a frenzy. The best thing we can do during eclipse season is nurture, rest and tend to ourselves.

Now that the portal has closed, we can begin to transmute the energy. That is what these practices are all about. We’re going to work with that upsurge of energy, let it flow and release. This month, we’re going to tap into the earth energy around us and let it flow through our being and see what form it chooses to take.

Our meditation practice invokes the kundalini, which means “coiled snake” in Sanskrit, a form of divine feminine energy that is said to be located at the base of the spine. Our creativity exercise takes this one step further as we tap into the earth and our journaling practices invite you to put language to your experience.

These practices are decidedly non-linear, and the world we live in struggles to recognize that which deviates from the straight path. The practices may feel strange or unsettling. I invite you to sit with the dis-ease, rather than attempting to fix or dispel it. See what happens when you let the feminine, circuitous, spiral of energy seep in. You might be surprised at what awakens.



Your Practices

Book your chat

Each quarter, members receive one 1-to-1 session with Sarah, Bewonderment’s founder. Think of this as a way to check in and get the guidance you didn’t know you needed.

What’s inspiring you?

What’s holding you back?

What support could help you dive deeper into yourself or your creative life?

What does the wildness right outside your door have to teach you?
— Heidi Barr, from Collisions of Earth and Sky

Dont’ forget to schedule your chat!

As always, we are here if you need any help or guidance. Just send us a note below.